Thursday, December 10, 2009

Its over! ...Yet its just begun!!!!!

WHEWWW! First semester...DONE! All the anticipation, all the sweaty palms, and all the late night starbucks runs finally paid off! Well, lets hope so! I haven't yet received my final grades for the semester, but when I do I will certainly let you know.
So to begin with, allow me to elaborate on the semester a little more! After all, that's what this blow is here for! Lets start with Algebra, with Ms. O'keffe. Boy was this class a challenge. Besides the fact that I HATE math with an ABSOLUTE passion, my teacher was not the most interesting person to have to be around! Some people liked her (the ones that wanted to suck up to her) and others, like me, found her very strange! So my advise would be to NOT take her class! There was SOOOO much homework and the tests were not a walk in the park either!
Next we have U.S. History after 1877. This class however, was an absolute blast! My professor, Mr. Latona, was a hoot and 1/2! He made me want to learn about the dates and times that I once considered a waste of my time! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00, I became engulfed in every small inadequate detail of American history, and believe or or not, I actually enjoyed that! So, advise on Latona... TAKE HIS CLASS, TAKE HIS CLASS, TAKE HIS CLASS!!!!
English 1101 is a MUST with Ms. Gassle! She is young, yet she knows exactly what she is talking about! I love English, writing, and reading so the class was not that hard but the logistics of the class could often get monotonous. But she made them so easy and actually fun! I am taking her 1102 class next semester and can not wait to hear more of what she has to say!!
GRRR yes, I have to talk about this one! Physical Science = waste of my time! End of story...... need I say more? Ok no, I do not... so I am not! Thank you and good night!
This semester was filled with excitement and TERROR! but I made it through! and learn a lot! Can not wait to see what the next few hold!

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