Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Empty Vessel...

Today is just like any other; I am still me, and God is still God. But the thing that is so different about today, is that I have a new outlook on this crazy thing called life! You see, for so long I have tried to figure out just what it is that "God" wants me to do with my life, who He wants me to be with, and where I am supposed to go. But the irony in all of that is that I am not the one that has to figure it out! He promised me that He would take care of me! Shouldn't that be enough!?! Yes, it most certainly should! You see, I do not know what tomorrow holds! Heck, I don't know what the next 20 minutes hold, but what I do know FOR FACT is that my God holds all of it! And I don't have to worry about ANY of it!
This is a really hard concept for me to grasp, because for those of you that know me, you probably know that I am a planner! I like to have my plans for EVERYTHING! Well, over the past few months, God has taken "my" plans and done away with them! I was oh so not happy about the at first, but the longer I wonder around, though it feels aimlessly, the more I find comfort in NOT being in control! Sure I can make things happen the way I want them, but isn't that what I was doing before... with my plans... that God took and revamped!
You see, God has awakened my heart to things that I can not explain! I have no idea why I am supposed to be a teach, IT WASN'T MY PLAN!!! My plan was to plan weddings until the day I died! Its what I wanted to do and its what I thought I would be good at. Well, not so much! I also have no idea as to why I am single right now! Not a clue! I had been dating the same guy for 3 stinking yeeeeears! That is a crazy long time for those of you who haven't heard how long a year is!!! But again, He took my plans and changed them all around! And now I'm left with no plan and what feels like no direction. And that is totally okay! I never thought I would be able to say that I am okay with feeling hopeless, but the truth in a hopeless feeling is that you have handed over every selfish desire to the throne of an unseen creator! ... yeah take a second and process that amazing thought!
I don't know why I am spilling my guts to you right now, maybe you needed to hear it. Maybe this is just how I express my emotions! Whatever the case may be, I want you to know that you do not have to live your life fretting over what is going to happen. The truth of the matter is that no matter how much you worry, what happens.. happens! Worrying changes NOTHING other that the acne on your face and the number on your scales!
God has this!..... just let Him

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