Friday, December 17, 2010

For This Season...

With the passing of time comes change. Change in scenery. Change in direction. Change in hopes, dreams, wants, needs... the list is truly unending! I know this seems like an obvious concept - but for the sake of my blog (and your time) lets pretend that this easy, understandable concept is of great interest to you and that you have little knowledge about the changes of life! Deal?... SWELL!
If you have read any of my previous blogs you are very aware that my life has changed SIGNIFICANTLY over the past few months! God has brought me to a place of sheer surrender and has taken my wants and desires and totally transformed them! Or maybe they never changed; maybe, I am just now realizing what they are! Nonetheless, I am walking around with my head up in the clouds, some days, because I have no idea what God is doing!
However, one thing I know He is doing is bringing people into my live that have changed my course. In my eyes, these people are fanatical, extraordinary, spectacular, sold out, slaves to the word of Christ! They do not care about the opinion of man, nor do they worry about the future! They are drenched in the presence of God and I simply can not get enough of them! I strive to be just like that! I long for people to "need" to be in my presence! And not because I want people to love "Lauren Stotler," or think that "I" and great. Rather I want people to love how I exemplify Christ! I want them to see Jesus in every single aspect of my life! I want to hold them accountable the same way they are holding me accountable!
I am so stinking thankful that God has blessed me with the opportunity to meet this fine folks and get to know them, and LEARN from them while I stumble through this season of my life!
Thats all! Have a great Friday! :)


  1. I will pray for you and follow along as God leads, guides and directs your steps in life and in love with Jesus. Thank you for your Christian witness.

    Debbie Titus

  2. Mrs. Debbie! Thank you so much! You are such a sweet example of the love of Christ, and an amazing woman of God!
    Love you!
