Monday, August 17, 2009

Cats and Cheesecakes!

Saturday was spent like most of the rest, wake up early, clean, clean, clean, nap, and then clean some more! This past Saturday required even more cleaning because our pastor and his amazing wife were coming to our house for dinner! So you can imagine how fun preparing was! Well, my dad did the cooking, as he always does! He takes his culinary skills VERY seriously - even more so then my birth! So instead of helping my mom and I clean up that morning... he began cooking! He started with his famous cheesecake! Once it was done, he laid a towel over it and let it cool, while he went to the store to buy the rest of the needed items for the meal. I then walk into the kitchen to get something to drink and saw the most HORRIFIC SIGHT OF MY LIFE! MY CAT WAS LAYING ON TOP OF THE CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!! How or why I do not know, but I couldn't run fast enough over to him to get him off! I pulled the towel off to see the beautiful cheesecake mushed and holey! (He has punched his little foot right in the middle!!) Well I immediately scream for my mom to come see the catastrophe, and so she then comes running! If you have ever been to our house you know that our kitchen is open to the foyer and it separate from the den. Well I was in he kitchen and went into the den, while my mom went into the foyer looking for me in the kitchen. Then we switched, she went into the den and I went into the kitchen. This went on for about four more times until my mom finally screamed, "BE STILL!!!" So I followed directions, and she came to where I was! She immediately busted into laughter as well as I!! When we finally reclaimed our composure, we had a quick prayer (for my dads temper) and then proceeded to "fix" the problem! In the end, the cheesecake was fine and tasted delish! But have you ever heard of such a thing! Cats and cheesecakes... devastating but delicious!